System Dali, Tecnis (Arken, Italy)


CO3813 \ Pipe plug

$1 989

D120120 \ Suspended frame

$1 688

D120120 \ Suspended frame

$2 075

D240060 \ Floor frame

$1 759

D240060 \ Floor frame

$2 205

D240120 \ Floor frame

$2 604

D240120 \ Floor frame


DA01 \ Wall mount


DA01 \ Wall mount


TM14060\Gondola stand


TM14060\Gondola stand


TM140B60\Gondola stand


TM140B60\Gondola stand


TMT0100 \ Connecting strip (pair)


TMT0100 \ Connecting strip (pair)

Showing 1 to 15 of 73 (5 Pages)
System Dali, Tecnis (Arken, Italy)